Clear Falls Football Camp
Who: Clear Creek ISD students zoned to go to Clear Falls HS entering grades 7th through 9th
Where: Clear Falls High School football field.
Monday, July 24th through Wednesday, July 26th
Time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Cost: Pre-Registration = $90.00
Walk-Up Registration = $100.00
CCISD employee children=$45
Pay online
Venmo: @ClearFallsFootballCamp
Venmo QR code:
PayPal: paypal.me/CFHSfootballcamp
Please specify camper name and grade when paying online in addition to emailing completed registration form to zhead@ccisd.net
**If mailing in registration form and payment make checks payable to:
Clear Falls Football Camp
Printable Camp Flier: